E3 – EBNER Energy Efficiency
EBNER.blog | Peter Gosch, EBNER, Austria
E3 - EBNER Energy Efficiency.
EBNER: a dependable partner for environmentally-friendly and energy-efficient solutions.
In the last issue of the HICON Journal (April, 2020), we introduced the E3 (EBNER Energy Efficiency) concept from EBNER. In this issue, we would like to tell you more about our efforts in the field of eco-friendly technologies, and call for an active dialog.
At EBNER, we are convinced that we can best meet the ecological and economical challenges of the future when we work together with our customers and business partners.
It is for this reason that, in September of this year, we started several global campaigns aimed at reducing energy consumption and emissions – as well as at improving OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness) values.
With these campaigns we sought not only to inform our customers and business partners of our newest developments in these sectors: as customers and partners will be accompanying us long-term on this path, we also sought to begin a dialog with them and to work together toward a sustainable future.
The issues of energy and efficiency have come into sharp focus throughout the world, and over the course of the COVID-19 crisis many governments have developed packages of subsidies that offer particular sup- port to initiatives in the area of eco-friendly technologies.
The Austrian federal government, for example, is subsidizing up to 14 % of the costs for investments that increase the efficiency of industrial processes, facilities or electrical technologies, and is so providing a strong incentive to invest in sustainable upgrades and modernizations.
Over and above this, the EU has set even more ambitious climate goals for achievement by 2030, and China is aiming to become climate-neutral by 2060. At EBNER, we would like to do our part to help meet these ambitious goals.
To achieve this, the experts here at EBNER have developed a variety of E3 modules:
– Up to 20 % savings in hydrogen and electricity with ATMOSPHEREperfect. This newly-developed software module regulates the process atmosphere purge flowrate during the heat treatment process, in response to motor current. This optimization reduces both atmosphere (hydrogen) and electrical consumption.
– Up to a 10 % reduction in CO2 emissions through combustion air preheating. Combustion air is preheated by a recuperator, and can achieve up to 430 °C. The increased combustion air temperature increases combustion efficiency, leading to a reduction in CO2 emissions.
– Up to 50 % energy savings through thermal energy recovery. The thermal energy of the exhaust gas is used to heat circulation water, which in turn can be used to heat workshops, facility components or water supplies.
– Up to 70 % hydrogen savings through process atmosphere recycling. Contaminated hydrogen is drawn out of the facility and fed into a hydrogen regeneration system, which incorporates a filter unit, an adsorber, a catalytic converter and analyzers. It is purified and then returned for reuse in processing.
The above is only a small excerpt from our E3 portfolio.
EBNER takes environmental responsibility very seriously. To be able to continue to offer the best and most innovative E3 solutions, we will continue to work on a variety of targeted approaches and solutions with our customers and partners over the coming months and years. Together, we can create a future that both con- serves resources and provides success.